Hard Shell Roof Top Tent
Longroad hard-shell roof top tents can be left mounted on your vehicle all, or most, of the time. You can store your bedding, access ladder and soft bags of clothes or other items inside the tent while you are traveling. Our tents are sealed against dust and water intrusion, deploy very quickly, provide comfort in any weather, and offer little air resistance when driving. All Longroad roof top tents, regardless of model, are supplied complete—ready to use right out of the box. All you need to add is your bedding, personal items, and camping destinations.
Model Dimensions Open(W×L×H) Dimensions Packing(W×L×H)
LR VIGOR-54 54” x 83” x 44” 85” x 59” x 14” (2-3persons) 1350 x 2100 x1000mm 2200*1480*350mm
Triangle model 54” x 83” x 44” 85” x 59” x 14” (2-3persons) 1350 x 2100 x1000mm 2200*1480*350mm